Complete School App for Indian School Wadi Kabir.

This Mobile application, developed for both iOS and Android provides a user friendly and comprehensive access to the latest news and circulars issued by Indian School Wadi Kabir. It aims to bridge the gap between parents and students by providing contact information of all teacher at tap of a button.

This is a High School project I worked on and later published on behalf of my school and serves as a token of gratitude for constant support and education for the better part of my school life.

On the left, 'Home' screen for ISWK app. Right, we have the 'About' screen which provides a rich experience for users.


  • Faculty Details of all Departments
  • Circulars
  • Map and Directions
  • Latest News
  • Contact Us

On the left, is a screenshot of the Departments page. Middle, locations Map with address of the school. Right, is direct access to the map.

This App has received 1000+ downloads and I am grateful to my school for allowing me to publish it. This is one of my first projects and I am glad to have received Positive reviews and motivation to build more.

This App is compatible with both iOS and Android and can be downloaded from the links below:

If you're an ISWK alumini or have been inspired by this project, I would love to connect with you.